Anyone can have large pores on their face. This condition is very stressful not only for people with oily skin but also for people with fat in any area of the body. In fact, it doesn't matter how much you try to clean these pores, but they are still visible to the people close to you. Not all pore cosmetics are very effective. However, there are some purely natural remedies that are the only solution to get rid of all those giant pores and they work like magic. You just need some natural ingredients to get rid of pore wrinkles and sagging skin quickly.
1. Lemon-juice // egg whites :
1. Lemon juice and egg whites
In a cup, mix two egg whites with a few drops of lemon juice. You should get a thick paste that you will apply to your face. The putty should work for 15 or 20 minutes. Finally wash your face. This is an ideal mask for cleansing the skin and tightening the pores.
2. Lemon and tomato juice
Take two tomatoes and make a puree. Then add a few drops of lemon juice and mix until you get a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face, mostly on the affected areas. Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes and optionally wash it off. Thanks to the acid present in lemon and tomato, the oil will be removed from your face and your pores will tighten instantly.